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Are you media? 


That’s how I entered the chapel at Mundelein Seminary, which was full for the first mass during the Eucharistic Pilgrimage in Chicagoland. 

I have 2 cameras, does it make me media? I hope so, I don’t work for any big newspaper, but I am an independent photographer trying to spread good news. 

So far, God has taken me through any door!

I couldn’t travel to other places for the Eucharistic Pilgrimage, so I knew I wanted to shoot as much as possible in Chicago. 

First-day started in Mundelein Seminary with a Holy mass led by Most Reverend Robert J. Lombardo, CFR, following adoration and procession. 

If you haven’t seen Mundelein Seminary, it is an experience in itself, but to have a Eucharistic procession with 100 clergy and hundreds of laity was so beautiful. 

Capturing this historic event on the way to the Eucharistic Congress (the last one was 83 years ago) is an honor, and very likely we won’t experience it again in our lifetime!

People kneeling and praying.

Priests, Bishops, Sisters, Brothers, mothers, fathers, kids, old and young.

But we are all equal in God’s eye, we all are his children. 

Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. – “John 6:54-56”

Chicago Young Adult Eucharistic Revival took place in St. Alphonsus Church. 

So much excitement so many familiar faces, everyone was waiting for Jesus Christ to adore Him in the Holy Sacrament and to receive His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. 

He is the way, the truth, and the life! 

Billie Holiday’s song “The Man I Love” was mentioned by Bishop Bartosic during his sermon in Queen of All Saints Basilica. 

It is a beautiful song about love.

Isn’t the Catholic faith about love?

But what is love? 

Love is an act of sacrifice for the good of others.

Lord Jesus gave us the ultimate example of love by giving his life for us, by dying on the cross. 

Now we can receive him in Holy Sacrament every single day, don’t miss this opportunity!

Billie Holiday’s song “The Man I Love” was mentioned by Bishop Bartosic during his sermon in Queen of All Saints Basilica. 

It is a beautiful song about love.

Isn’t the Catholic faith about love?

But what is love? 

Love is an act of sacrifice for the good of others.

Lord Jesus gave us the ultimate example of love by giving his life for us, by dying on the cross. 

Now we can receive him in Holy Sacrament every single day, don’t miss this opportunity!


Welcome to my blog! My name is Damian, I live in Chicago since 2015. I love to share my experience and knowledge on 3 subjects Photography, Coffee and Travel! Let me tell your story and capture memories with beautiful photography! Honorable Mention Award from “MIFA” – Moscow International Foto Awards.

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