No matter how much or how little money you earn, always save at least 10% of your income, then make that money work for you.
January 2022, monthly investing/saving:
8.57% – savings in cash
2.86 % – Public stocks
2.86 % – Titan investing account stocks/crypto
2.86 % – Fundrise after using it for 1 year, I found it getting more effective, I invest in it on monthly basis now.
2.86% – Kucoin, Crypto/NFTs
20.0 % – total
The most common way to invest, I use the Public app, a super-easy way to manage your portfolio and see % changes, here is what stocks I actually have. Some companies pay good dividends. Personally, I think the market will crash soon (1-12 months), 10.31.2020, 1-3 years (9.1.2021).