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What’s a Betrothal Ceremony? The historical past and concept of the Betrothal Ceremony


A betrothal service or rite of betrothal attempts a service from within the Catholic faith that promises to marry another person on a certain date. 

Now, the Catholic Church no longer mandates the betrothal ceremonies, so one partner can get down on one knee and pop the question. However, couples decide to do it officially.

The process helps them blend their wedding preparations with spirituality. They are reminded of the value of marriage and can refocus their commitment to each other as they select gowns, locations, and bands.

Betrothal service FAQs


Is a betrothal ceremony necessary?

“This is an optional tradition in the Catholic faith”. “An engaged couple freely comes forward to verbally commit to their future marriage, stating in front of witnesses that they promise to marry each other on a certain date.”

Is a betrothal service binding?

A betrothal ceremony requires the couple’s commitment to marry, unlike an engagement, which only expresses a desire to marry. During the ceremony, a man and a woman commit to each other.

Can a betrothal service be exchanged for a wedding ceremony? What happens during a betrothal service?

No, it cannot. The betrothal differs from a marital relationship contract because it guarantees a future marriage. It won’t declare the happy couple a partnership, just their commitment to making that plan happen.

When does a betrothal service occur? Which conducts a betrothal ceremony?

This happens anytime after one or both have set their unique wedding date and before the wedding ceremony (Inside the ceremony the couple promises to marry each other on a certain big date, so the date should be kept.) The ceremony is usually conducted after a mass.

When should you plan a betrothal ceremony?

Couples should start planning their betrothal service as soon as they receive your wedding date, so they can make sure you have reserved the priest to meet their needs, time, and place.

Who conducts a betrothal ceremony?

Usually, a couple plans a ceremony with a priest, usually their wedding celebrant, to plan their ceremony, couples should talk to their celebrant about organizing the ceremony and work with him to plan the date, time, and location.”

Where is a betrothal ceremony performed?

Most couples decide to have their betrothal ceremony in a church.

Who is invited to the betrothal ceremony?

The couple can invite anyone to the betrothal ceremony. Some stick to the wedding party or immediate family, while others include many friends and extended family. To further celebrate the moment with their friends and family, many couples decide to host an engagement party, dinner, or brunch after their betrothal ceremony.

What do you wear to a betrothal ceremony? Can you personalize this ceremony?

“Many lovers find that dressing for the occasion, with women choosing to wear white, lace, and other bridal-style dresses, can carry an added meaning,” says Callis. “What we wear can reflect our inner state of mind, thoughts, and intentions.” Guests must dress up during the ceremony, especially if it is in a church. 

Some couples create a short program or handout for guests to follow. Many personalize the event with a meal or reception afterward. A secular pre-engagement party with a betrothal ceremony is a recent trend.


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