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Hello! I decided to explore the coffee shops in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and share with you all my observations.

I hope you will enjoy exploring those great coffee shops, and remember that it is my subjective opinion, your taste can be different than mine and you can find some coffee or places better or worst.

Most importantly enjoy the journey of exploring the world of Milwaukee Coffee Shops.

Let me know if you want me to review some coffee shops or get some recommendations!


Prices: 1.0 – 10.0
Espresso: 1.0 – 10.0
Cappuccino: 1.0 – 10.0
Blueberry Muffin*: 1.0 – 10.0, *or other food
Atmosphere: 1.0 – 10.0
Music: 1.0 – 10.0

Overall Rank: 1.0 – 10.0

*ranks can be from 1.0 to 10.0.

The Best Coffee Shops in Milwaukee, Wisconsin


1. Discourse | 8.1

2. Interval Eastside | 7.8

Canary Coffee Bar | 7.8

1. Interval Eastside

Addresses: 1600 N Jackson St, Milwaukee, WI 53202


Prices: 7.5
Espresso: 7.0 – $3.00
Cappuccino: 8.0 – $4.00
Biscuit and Jam: 8.5 – $4.00
Atmosphere: 8.5
Music: 7.5

Overall Rank: 7.8

2. Discourse

Addresses: 2238 N Farwell Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53202


Prices: 7.5
Espresso: 7.0 – $3.00
Cappuccino: 8.5 – $4.00
Bagel with Cream Cheese: 8.0 – $4.00
Atmosphere: 8.5
Music: 9.0

Overall Rank: 8.1

Coffee Flavor Wheel

Coffee Flavor Wheel

Engage with your morning coffee in a completely new way, taste coffee like never before, and learn more about the flavor, acidity, texture, and aftertaste of coffee.

3. Canary Coffee Bar

Addresses: 2238 N Farwell Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53202


Prices: 4.0
Espresso: 5.5 – $4.24
Cappuccino: 8.0 – $5.20
Cinnamon Scone: 9.0 – $4.72
Atmosphere: 10.0
Music: 10.0

Overall Rank: 7.8


Hi! I am Damian, let me take you on an adventure to explore the Catholic world, but also learn more about photography and film! I create visuals for the glory of God, let me help you tell your story! Honorable Mention Award from “MIFA” – Moscow International Foto Awards.

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